A protester in Iran injured after attack by security forces. November 26, 2021

Iran's Exiled Prince Praises The 'Bravery' Of Protestors In Esfahan

Friday, 11/26/2021

Iran’s exiled Prince Reza Pahlavi has praised the “bravery” of the people of Esfahan who gathered to protest on Friday and were attacked by special riot police.

In a series of Tweets, the US-based heir to the Iranian throne, said the people in the city exhibited “bravery, unity, resistance and steadfastness in seeking justice.” He added that the unarmed residents of Esfahan and farmers who had come to the city faced brutality by “armed mercenaries of the Islamic Republic” and showed to what extent the regime is afraid of the nation.

People have been protesting lack of water for two weeks. The government first tolerated the protests, but this week they decided to use force against demonstrators. On Thursday, they attacked and burned a makeshift camp protesters had set up on the dry riverbed of the iconic Zayandeh Roud river and on Friday they cracked down on residents who came out to protest.

Prince Reza Pahlavi also urged unity among different regions on the issue of water scarcity. Critics have alleged that the government is trying to put one region against the other over who will get more water.

Drought and mismanagement by the government have led to a serious water crisis in Iran.

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